FOR SALESolanos Starlight 1997 (Sir Jac Frost x Sweet Lil Solano by Solanos Peppy San) breed to Jacs Electric Spark for 2010 expect DOB late Jannuary. SHOWS RECORD:Sir Jac Frost: 1989 NRHA Congress Futurity Open 4th. place1989 NRHA Oklahoma Futurity L. Open 4th. place1990 NRHA Lazy E Open finalist1990 Americana Bronze Trophy Open 4th. place1991 AICR Portogruaro National Cup Open Champion1991 AICR Italian Open Champion1992 Americana European Senior Reining 3th. place1992 Americana International
Markus know that! Look at…..
Cowboy’s Magazine of October at page 80 have a amazing picture of Shine Like a Babe with one interview to Markus Schopfer after he Win the 3yo class, all the interview is very cool but the sentences we like more are when Markus said: “she have real astonishing innate talent” and again on the herd work ” she have been the only one to score a 72, and this thanks to her natural cows movement, neither
Verolanuova 24 Occtober, Saturday night fever with Shine Like a Babe in the 3yo category she did the Best at the ERCHA futurity show. Let’s talk the pictures…….
USA newspaper special edition for the nrcha SnaffleBit Futurity 2009 of Reno, Nevada, at page 26 of the insert “Stock Horse News” write: Shopfer took the 3-Year-Old Championship riding Shine Like a Babe, by Shining Spark and out of Summer Chex, a bay mare bred by Carol Rose and owned by Quarter Dream. The pair scored 72 in the herd work, 70 in the rein work, and 70,5 down the fence,
Westcom, Inc. from Oakland, New Jersey, USA signed a one season sponsor with Quarter Dream. Helena said: “Westcom inc is one of the top Brokerage company for the agricoltural commodities as vegetable oil, seeds or biomasses, and Richard Desiderio the president know from many years my Husband, and when he went to our web site, and he so our show schedule and trainers he fall immediately in love.” Pietro said :” Westcom is
Today 15 September Quarter Dream and Specialmangimi Galtieri S.P.A have signed a contract for sponsorship, Helena said: “The Galtieri Aniamal Feed is really amazing and the horses like it and are in better shape, they feel also less tired after work, we are very happy to sign this Sponsorship with a company so big and important that have based his success betting on the Quality. “Quarter Dream and Galtieri are
Shine Like a Babe (Shining Spark x Summer Chex), during pre-futurity in Manerbio scored 211! Markus Schopfer main goal was to train her to prepare the ERCHA futurity that will be held in Verolanuova the next 23-24 October, after she did a easy performance with terrific spin slow circle and soft stop, Markus was enthusiastic and happy of the amazing talent of this beautiful mare that will let him add results to
Shine Like a Babe with Markus Shopfer scored 71 at the toscany reining prefuturity, being in the top 4, and is booking is place for the Italian Prefuturity in Manerbio….
August 9, our broodmare Shine Like a Babe is the 2009 Staffoli pre-futurity NRCHA ERCHA Champion this week with Markus Schopfer on saddle she shows her quality and talent doing in the first show of her life 72 in herd work 70 in reined and 70,5 with the fance.
Quarter Dream 2011 Breeding season of: Our aim is breed the top NRHA sires with our broodmares, that are daughters of the NRHA top sires, please visit and check the results and all the info you need to know before purchase a horse. Your horse have to be complete, either from the bloodline side and from the performance side, cause after you compete and win with him you can